Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Journey Begins

Welcome to my Indian adventures! I'm starting this blog about 7 weeks into a 4 month (originally supposed to be 3 month, but recently extended) journey so you'll have to bear with me as I remember all the noteworthy things I've done so far.

When I first heard I was coming to Gurgaon, I wasn't sure what to expect. I knew it was a pretty industrial city so I was expecting something akin to a large Sandyford Industrial Estate (for those Dublin folk that will be reading this). But on the other hand, I was also expecting a shanty town. When I arrived in DelhiLondon or New York. Then to my right I saw cycle rickshaws, scooters, bicycles, people, street vendors, dogs, cows (yes, cows - they're sacred don't you know!) and everything in between fighting for space on the motorway. I also quickly discovered that if Indian men (and often women) find that nature is calling, there's no such thing as finding a restaurant or cafe 'do the needful''s pretty much just a matter of wherever you can find space on the road! It's amazing how you can block these things out when you've been here for a while! airport and drove to my new home, I was pretty surprised to find both. I looked to my left and I saw modern glass office buildings and shopping centres (a LOT of shopping centres) that wouldn't be out of place in the likes of

There's not a whole lot going on in Gurgaon except a whole lotta building of new malls (I live with Americans - I apologise in advance for the use of any Americanisms). But the best thing about living here is that it's only a hop, skip and a jump from Delhi and with my own driver on hand, it's no problem to head into Delhi for dinner, a night on the town or even to absorb a bit of culture. And while there isn't much happening in Gurgaon, you can be full sure you'll never be bored in Delhi! Between bustling local bazaars (markets), modern shops, restaurants, cafes, bars, nightclubs, boozy brunches (boozy brunch deserves a post of its own - watch this space!) mosques, temples, parks, tombs etc etc etc....there's more than enough to keep us busy.

I should also dedicate some air time to my living situation. I'm living in an apartment about 15 minutes drive from the Google office in Gurgaon. We have two apartments with 5 room in each and currently there's only 4 of us here for the semi long-term - me, Austin, Megan and Heather (all but me from the San Francisco/Mountain View offices). Though we will have Scott who's an old schooler (also from the US) back with us in a few short days. The apartments are great, big rooms with our own bathrooms and a massive living space where we can chill out and watch TV or listen to music or even play the X-Box (though I'll admit I've never played it!). Generally we all have 'family dinner' in one apartment, cooked by our very own master chef. Certainly can't complain!

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